


Your book arrived and I have only briefly looked at it. At first glance it is beautifully designed! So elegant and amazing. I have read a little of the text, and this too is awesome! A quick glance at some of the photos, and I am beyond thrilled to own this book! Bravo and thank you!!!!! Andrew

I just finished reading/enjoying your book! The photography is stunning and each write-up so beautiful! Personally I think every man should read it! And kudos to all the amazing women who made themselves vulnerable! The book is a true work of art! Thanks so much for sharing!!!!!

Andrew Graham Photography

“I bought your book and could not love it more!! The photos are amazing, as are the women in them! This is such a stunning picture and such a critical subject for all of us to talk. I truly believe that if we share our voices far and wide, we really can bust this myth once and for all. 👏🔥❤️❤️🔥” - @daradoesmidlife

““Pretty is not the point.” Yes to this! We need to disentangle ourselves and our worth from all the ways in which we’re objectified. Our looks are not our value.” - @skylarlibertyrose

“Emulating so much strength!! @iam_by_angelikabuettner” - @betterthangossip

“I too love her work ❤️❤️” - @women.60.plus

“Angelika I want to tell you how much I LOVE your book !!! The pictures are fantastic and the phrases that go with them are so beautiful as well !!! I’m so happy I got the book !! THANK YOU xxxx” - @lara_march

“Your “I AM” book and the Movement will hopefully encourage each viewer:reader to recognize their own unique beauty both on the inside and out, just as your photos have so powerfully captured. 🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️” - @ksewilliams

“We had an online lingerie business for 15 years, and I was always on the lookout for women over 40 to model our products. There was always a sameness to younger models. I’ve always felt that aging brings out the personality of a body. Each one becomes uniquely themselves, one of a kind. Nature is the same if you think about it. This woman is quite the knockout.” - @martinjimages

“I - rarely think about what age l am😅most the time are the others who make me aware of my age😅” - @zanaoriwal

“I love the work you’re doing out in the world!” - @evelyn.pate23

“Nudity is not shame ,but the exhibition of confidence and beauty as it is displayed here!!👏👏❤❤🔥🔥😎” - @mrnaturalusabodybuilding

“What a Beautiful Woman..Warrior..Goddess..thiw I AM Book is magic am sure❤️” - @beautyforthequeens

“🙌🙌🙌🙌 I here I am … complaining about my stretch marks and an ugly scar 🙄🙄” - @addytj

“I see beauty in me and around me. When we are grateful, being kind becomes second nature. And what else can be more beautiful when kindness resides within us? Beauty begins with how we see ourselves and not how others see us. I love all the responses here from these beautiful women. They obviously have earned their kind of beauty. 😍” - @beauty60plus

“🥑🥑…we become more beautiful as we age I think, in deeper more profound more important ways…our beauty begins at the skin but then as we grow in kindness, experience, life, travel, tragedy, joy, sadness, love, loss, compassion, gratitude, forgiveness,…that beauty travels inwards, so our very bones. Those are the women I seek out all the time, those beautiful to their bone, they hold the world in a way I yearn to do one day 💛🥑Jo” - @sage.inspired

“We can't escape age obsession and youth cults. But we can smile at it with dignity. Yes, age definitely defines our personality. When I look at old photos of me I see a pretty boring face. Today I like my face much better. The earned wrinkles suit me well.” - @malubart

“I've always been very shy about my body. Your posts have made me stop criticizing my body, and start celebrating it. I cannot begin to tell you how much you have helped my heart to accept that my body's not wrong... It's just unique to me. 😎” - @kristy_riffic

Liebe Angelika,

Dein Buch mit den großartigen Bildern, den wunderbaren Texten und ihren Botschaften ist wundervoll. Ich möchte sehr gerne ein Teil davon sein und habe einen Text dazu verfasst. Matthias Leupold kann ich gerne fragen, ob er das Bild von "Die Schönheit der Frauen" freigibt. Allerdings wäre ein aktuelles Aktfoto in schwarz-weiß dazu noch gut.

Mein Text:

Selbstliebe, Wertschätzung und Fülle sind die verinnerlichten Grundpfeiler meines Lebens. In meinen Psychotherapien und Texten versuche ich diese Haltung weiterzugeben und abseits von Normierungen zu wirken. Jede Frau ist schön und jede ihrer Poren erzählt die Geschichte ihres Lebens. Die Freude am eigenen Körper in seiner positiven Ausstrahlung hat kein Alter. Als junge Frau war ich lange Jahre Akt-(Foto) Model, um Frauen Mut zu machen, zu ihrem Körper zu stehen und dessen Erotik zu genießen. Umso mehr freue ich mich Jahrzehnte später bei diesem tollen Projekt dabei zu sein. Lust und Leidenschaft sind zeitlos und es ist schön, dass bei I AM hier Frauen jeden Altes und Körpertyps in ihrer Individualität wirken können. Machen wir uns groß, sichtbar und stark. Zeigen wir unsere Lebenserfahrung und sind Vorbilder für die nächsten Generationen. Genießen wir unsere Körperlichkeit mit Intensität und Freude. Bewertung findet immer außen statt. Nehmen wir an, was wir mögen und uns gut tut. Halten wir uns vor einschränkenden Wertmaßstäben und Menschen fern. Genießen wir jeden Augenblick mit dem Blick auf das Schöne und Sinnvolle. Lachen wir laut und unbändig, lieben wir stark und leidenschaftlich, stehen wir für uns und wichtige Dinge ein. Unsere Zukunft wir eine andere sein.

Sonja Katrina Brauner, Mitte 50, Psychotherapeutin und Autorin

The beauty of this book brought me to tears the first time I received it. First, I was profoundly touched and honored to receive this book as a gift, and second, the images and words within this book share the truth that beauty is not only diverse but also is reflected in the wisdom and creativity expressed. It is not a coincidence that one of the most common and powerful mantras in yoga is the Sanskrit “So hum,” which translates to “I am that” or “that I am.” I have used this mantra as a reminder to stay in the present moment of my experience, rather than ruminating on the past or letting the unknown of the future grip me with anxiety. Practicing this mindful connection helps me connect to a more authentic self, which is so beautifully represented in this book. I Am: Celebrating the Perfect Imperfect deeply understands that acceptance of the present moment can be a challenge, yet we must honor all physical shapes and emotional states. What a beautiful teaching to women and men of all ages: to accept ourselves as we are in any moment.
Sarah Teck, Ph.D., mex-cal.org, sarahteck.com

It would be nice if you could give some attention to the +30 because nowadays there is this myth going on that women hit “the wall” at 30, and that it is all downhill from there. For women in their 20s (like me and my younger peers) this is terrifying. It makes us feel like we need to do everything before 30. That we need to achieve success before that age, find a husband, have kids…all before 30. Because after that we will be invisible and no one will relate to us or want to hear us…it is terrifying. I have been feeling like this for 3 years (since 23) and it is getting worse the more I approach the big “30”. Now at 26, I even feel suicidal because I understand that I won't be able to achieve what I want to before 30, maybe not even before 40…and by then no matter what I will do or achieve won't have any meaning because I will already be +30. Why would I want to keep living if that is the case…. It would be nice, if you could also address this negative side effect of ageism on youth, how it creates anxiety and fear of aging and sometimes even depression and suicide (there were several cases of women's suicide because they didn't find a partner before 30 ). Also, if you could address all those lists of successful youth “20 under 20”, “25 under 25” , “30 under 30” etc. that focus on the age rather than the success stories themselves.
Camelia SN.

The I AM book is so much more than a coffee table book. It is the story of women — all women — told through Angelika Buettner’s talented, sensitive and playful eye. I sat with my husband and we read each page and were awed by the strength and beauty of your subjects. I too might have said ‘yes’ to being photographed for this project, but seeing the finished product, I now would jump at the chance! A magnificent endeavor.
Lilianne Milgrom, artist and author of the book L’origine

The whole book is a soothing piece of art that shows the soul of what a woman is, basically in its most respectful and most awesomely beautiful way. Yes, I have the book and I think it is an extraordinary one.
Dana Schwarz-Haderek, artist, @dana_schwarzhaderek

Your work is amazing…I truly enjoy the movement, it is empowering for women. You should have more talks for women only, I felt the men were missing the point of the importance of the subject...with questions that had nothing to do with the subject of what the woman were as you also were trying to convey. Thank you, YOU are an inspiration.

Rose Adams

You are always the inspiration I need…always! The I AM is such a tremendous asset for us…thank you. P.S. I have your book and it has helped me so much!!!
Diane Robertson

WOW WOW WOW!!! So Powerful! So Pure! So Happy to have been with you on your journey! ;-)
Katie Hylen

BECOME AN I AM WOMAN says your site. I am interested in becoming an I AM WOMAN. I live in The Dominican Republic, 46 years old and married. If it is possible, I would like to know how I can join the movement and become an I AM WOMAN. Your message is so powerful and it has moved every cell of my body and touches my heart.
Love, Mila ♥

From the first page, this book shines with a celebration of women’s beauty as they age. No makeovers, no retouching: these are women celebrating their time of life — their authenticity, self-acceptance, and joy. I AM kicks at our outdated notion that we age out of beauty and desirability. Quite the contrary, as Angelika Buettner and her 121 brave women illustrate. There is great power in this book.
Joan Price, ageless sexuality author and speaker, www.joanprice.com

Honest. Beautiful. Inspiring. In an era of over photoshopped faces and liquified bodies, Angelika captures the true essence of today’s modern women. Her photographs are empowering and aspirational in its rawest form. A must for women of any age and all the men that love them! Well done!!  
Paul Venoit, Hair and Makeup artist, NYC, venoit.com

Congratulations! Such powerful important work. Thank you for being a voice on this platform. It is because of work like yours that I am growing into my mature skin!

Those women emanate power, beauty and strength that comes With our age, if we allow ourselves to recognize and embrace it. Goddesses!!!
Jeanie @jeamada

I am very impressed by your vision, tenacity, talent and humanity. Thanks for all the women.
Patricia @witvoetpatricia

AMAZING WORK ANGELIKA!!! Wow! And what an INSANE amount of work! I like the fact that you chose not display age, I like that there’s a short relevant text attached to each woman, I like your intro — just bravo! It’s both serious and topical as well as being playful and light, “see if I care”-kind-of-attitude. Strong work.
Jesper Eriksson, designer, UK @m.jesperiksson

Angelika, it was not until I sat down and read so many women’s stories and exclamations that I realized what a beautiful and powerful piece of art you created. Thank you for your perseverance and for including me on your project.

A beautiful book. The women are just amazing. Beautifully photographed. The poses are incredible with a lot of forethought. You did a great job.
Dolores, artist, I AM WOMAN

So cool! Brings a smile to my face. Well the pictures are so very beautiful, of course, but what I like the most is that it is not about perfect, classically beautiful women looping great, which is all we see. It’s about women possessing different styles of beauty speaking about their own assessment of their beauty and sharing that journey with us. Now that is powerful, and it is very timely (look at what Rihanna is doing with Fenty) Although I think you’re doing it with a softer hand, which may be very appealing to some women (and men) and I happen to think that’s nice. It’s not about hitting you over the head with women power. I think the project has a great potential to be transformative precisely because of that. It is very bold (hey, these women are naked) but it’s quite gentle, I don’t see it as aggressive, and I don’t think that sort of things been done quite like that before. Good job, now release it to the world and let’s see what it says!!!
Jorge Tort, Creative Director

I follow you since a while and love your pictures of real women. I appreciate your work so much, love it! Beauty for a woman means to be aware of her own energy and femininity. It comes with age, after experiences. You grow older and time makes your beauty more deep and powerful. It comes from the inside out to enlighten where you move. It’s a matter of being strong inside with a unique character and charisma which does not mean to be exteriorly beautiful. Being a true woman…the truth is the force of the faith in yourself and the sex appeal spreads around….
Lisa, Italy @vanilla.oldandbold 

I am sobbing with passionate deep deep joy that you have had the drive to publish something so honest & powerful about the beauty of our journey through life. I love it & love that you came into my orbit Angelika. Congratulations 😘
Jeanie Marsh-Dawsen, founder and publisher of NO-Limits magazine, UK

I just watched the video. It’s really one of the best trailers I’ve ever seen! 
Laurel @greenergoddess

I am in tears...beautiful, grateful tears. This is absolutely stunning and represents what I so desperately want for all women including myself. You have no idea how much I appreciate your sending this to me. To think that you thought of me and wanted to share your beautiful work such a beautiful and generous gift. Thank you so very much.
Melinda @finally_bopo

I’m so incredibly proud and honored to be a part of this book! Thank you so much for including me – it shall be one of those things that will always be something where I felt I made a real difference to the rest of the women in the world, the one’s like us, we all age and we hopefully all feel good about ourselves 💖

Lesley Jacobs, I AM woman

Beautiful, Exciting, Sexy, Human, Wonderful! A very profound humanist video! Thanks for sending! (too bad couldn't they place the "I AM" tags less "strategically"!) ;-) anyways… 
Johnes @azoth gallery

Sweet Angelika,
I am very happy for you, proud to be your friend, really, I am! Your book is out, your teaser is gorgeous, and I can’t wait to order your beautiful “baby”! Ton livre est une inspiration, TU es une inspiration!
Sabine Merle, France

Angelika, I AM is such a courageous and special book. I love the layout, the format and the red font on the black and white cover photo. Going through the pages of the book feels like an addiction, I can’t/don’t want to stop, and I want to know what comes next. I want to discover the following page and photo. A successful expedition. Congratulations! Women will be as enthusiastic as I am. I have to continue turning the pages now, as I’m not done yet. The statements are really beautiful as well. Through and through a very intelligent book!

Angelika, die Buecher sind gestern angekommen, I AM ist wirklich ein sehr besonderes und mutiges Buch. Alles gefällt mir, das Layout, das Format, die rote Schrift auf dem scharz/weissen Cover Das Blättern ist fast wier eine Sucht, man kann (will) nicht aufhören, weil man sehen will, was und wer als nächstes kommt, man möchte das nächste Foto erfahren. Wirklich eine gelungene Expedition. Mein Kompliment. Ich muss jetzt Schluss machen und weiter blättern, ich bin nämlich noch nicht am Ende!;-)). Die Texte sind auch sehr schön, durch und durch ein intelligentes Buch!
Dagmar Rump, Close up Agency, Hamburg, Germany

“Angelika’s I AM project is a crucial historical document. She has assembled a collection of portraits and words, which takes an honest look both at and inside the psyches of us 21st century women. Having the models volunteer to be photographed naked peels away the mask and veneer of clothing. Women, there is so much more than our beauty!”
Jeanie Marsh-Dawson, Founder & Publisher at No Limits Magazine


“I AM photographs offer a refreshingly honest, rounder visual perspective on the totality of women’s life experiences, thus reframing the narrative and normalizing aging. Seeing mature women claim and own their bodies encourages the viewer to celebrate her/his own life journey.”
Karen Williams, Producer, Empowered Aging Ambassador


“As women around the world hold this book in hand, they will feel a surge of empowerment and strength. A powerful tool each can use to unleash their soul.” 
Kassie Alnwick, Life Coach


Thank YOU, Angelika! You have started an amazing movement that will touch women, girls, humans! You are so talented and so sensitive. All good things to you and for you. I AM so glad we met. 💖

Patty Labozzo, Copywriter and Editor


What I love about your project is that these women aren’t afraid to bare all and, in some cases, showcase (what others might think) their imperfections. They’re all beautiful in different ways and they totally own it! I think it would be so cool to be photographed naked surrounded by my weightlifting equipment! Even though I am in the best shape of my life, I still catch myself comparing myself to others, many of whom are younger! What’s that about? I have all these varicose veins and loose stomach skin but I’m in totally great shape and yet….I’m getting there and I have to say, looking at your pics helps the mindset. I just love what you’re doing and totally want your book!  👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Katy Leffers